Posts tagged design

Inside Job

Mindfulness as well as wellness, which go hand in hand, are two of the current buzz words being used these days in everything from corporate slogans to phone apps. We are all trying to achieve the best we can by being more aware. Our interior spaces, the places where we humans spend most of our time need to do the same. Wellness should be thought of as the process and mindfulness as the action; particularly in the area of interior design.

Our interiors usually reflect our personality. Our homes are filled with what makes us comfortable. Our work spaces maybe not so much; but that is changing. As more people see what they do as an occupation as an extension of who they truly are, our office or work spaces need to do the same. Creating spaces that are designed for mindfulness will ultimately be designed for our well being.

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How Culture Can Turn Your Work Space into a Place
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast and operations excellence for lunch and everything else for dinner“ ~ Bill Aulet, MIT 2013


Many design articles call for “Engaging workplace design that doesn’t stop with a response to technological and real estate needs. It must go further, supporting the creation and integration of a company’s culture, brand identity, and overall community.”

We’ve taken up that challenge. We want to draw out the distinction between “space”, which is the physical part of the workplace, and “place”, the social aspects of a work environment.

Genesis of the concept

It all begins with “purpose”. What is the purpose of the workplace? What is the purpose of those who perform their work in that place? And how do those two relate to each other? It is our contention that we are currently experiencing a shift in cultural narrative/story from the “Old Story” to a new one.

The purpose of work and where it gets done is changing quickly. We are talking about purpose in the context of work, where many of us find our highest purpose. However, we live in an increasingly purposeless world filled with purposeless work. The Old Story and its attendant social institutions were designed to promote continuous growth. These institutions are no longer life affirming, nor supportive of personal well-being (integration of body, mind, and spirit), let alone human wholeness (integration of individuals into a greater whole).

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